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Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black

Obviously, anyone looking at her could immediately tell she's a Martian--from Venus.

Kamala's father is of Jamaican descent, while her mother is of Indian ancestry. She was born in Oakland, California in 1964.
None of this is new news, but all public record from day one.

Does it really matter whether she identifies as Indian, black, having borne a child, having had older/rich/powerful boyfriends when she was 29, etc.?
My goodness, talk about grasping for ANYTHING, in desperation, as a political weapon.

Republicans, behold your choice for president...and retch!

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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black

You're being disingenuous.
It matters when your party holds race specific zoom and fund-raising calls. It matters when your party promotes being the first, historic black woman presidents. It matters when Democrat President Joe Biden on air states, "You ain't black if you don't know to vote for me or the other guy." and his VP K. Harris, says and does absolutely nothing, but give her support. It matters when running for Attorney General of California you campaigned as the first Indian Attorney General, but now, you are suddenly the first black female VP.

It matters because you and your party, especially in Chicago, as seen today when Trump was interviewed the Black Journalist Association, and peppered with questions about what he as a white man will do and has done for blacks.

I live in Chicago, and since High School, I can recall every Democrat politician telling us, if we had to vote and support them because we were black. From Harold Washington to Brandon Johnson. I remember when the first black lesbian mayor, Lori Lightfoot (Publicly) refused to allow WHITE journalist to interview her, and only black journalist. And not a single Democrat, President, Governor, Senator, or Rep, said a thing about the obvious racism, that would have gotten a white politician removed from office.


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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
First of all lance, I noticed you didn't care to respond to the posted video on that (white) op in Chicago, now fired and charged with murder, unnecessarily shooting/killing (along with his partner) an innocent black female (Sonya) who had called them for help in the first place.
Is rebuking a person in the name of Jesus--and don't even gimme that she was about to throw a hot pot of water on them crap, 'cause she wasn't (it's clear from the video)--now a justifiable reason for the police to shoot/kill a lone, unarmed, innocent person?
Does that buttress your opinion/idea of America as an ideal/optimal race-relations society?

Anyhoo, is the NAACP, black congressional caucus, or any other black association or individual complaining that Harris is unjustly capitalizing on her racial/ethnic heritage?
Is it her fault that her father was a BLACK jamaican, thus making her socially/conventionally/traditionally black as well?
And is it her fault that her mom was Indian, thus making her part Indian as well?
Are any Indian groups/persons complaining?

If we can all agree to call Obama black, whose one biological parent was white/Caucasian, then how more so can't we see/call Harris black, when both of her biological parents were as black/dark/brown as they come?

When Biden and other Americans of varied/mixed European/Caucasian descent tout/play on/capitalize off their Irish/Italian/Greek/Scandanavian/etc. heritages, why is there no issue/problem with that?

Trump was not 'peppered' with questions by those black journalists.
They asked him simple, straightforward questions, which he refused to answer in a simple, straightforward way. And so, being good journalists, they re-asked their questions to get a clear/direct response to them.
That's not peppering/badgering the interviewee.

I don't know anything about the black lesbian mayor you spoke of, so I won't say much on that.
However, no one put a gun to Trump's head to force him to have that interview with those black journalists.
He could simply have turned down their invitation, and engaged/spoken with whatever other groups he preferred.

It's not a new political thing; all candidates court the black/Hispanic/Asian/minority votes, and will say whatever they feel will secure them such support.
Biden said what he said and apparently got the majority of the black votes.
Let Trump pitch his spiel and let's see how he fares.

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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
First. I didn't comment on Sonya Massey (and no one else) because (unless you have evidence no one has) race had nothing to do with it. Two mentally compromised people met (both did things wrong, one unfortunately died and the other will spend the rest of his life in prison). It was a horrible incident.

LOL... the same NAACP that gave Trump and award? The same NAACP that warned black people not to travel to Florida or Georgia, but said nothing about Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Huston or any of the other places where blacks are being shot and murdered at rates higher than any other race? The same Black Caucus who is also silent, and refused to allow white representatives elected from majority black district to join their caucus?

Come on, Go. A person or a group can be black and racist too. Look no further than today's NAACP, BLM. If you didn't see and hear what and why some of those same "Black Journalist" said before Trump arrived and how they didn't want that white man to come. Then you should really listen. Or listen to an hour of any black radio program or The Breakfast Club and then... maybe you will start to see.

"If we can all agree to call Obama black, whose one biological parent was white/Caucasian"

-Actually, that wasn't true. Clearly, you are not from Illinois, and have no idea about Obama's first public run, when he ran for Congress against Rep. Bobby Rush. Clearly you didn't hear Jesse Jackson's "hot Mic" comments about Obama when he ran for President, and so on. You didn't hear how many black politicians, citizens on the radio and black commentators claimed Obama wasn't black. Not just because of his white mother, but because he was from Hawaii, and father from Kenya.

I'm not trying to insult you, Go. I'm not a Trump supporter. I am saying all politicians are liars. They all are hypocrites and will sell their soul and their momma's soul to win.


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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
Are we supposed to have to comment on every video of a shooting just because we're the only people in the room who are not white?

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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
Message edited:

I thought you were an ape. I don't know what color anyone here is, it doesn't matter to me.  Anyway, it beats me. Go, posted that video.


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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
I AM an ape. << not blasphemy, folks, relax

Apes can be mixed race too. There are different gorillas from different area codes. My question wasn't attacking Lance.

Can you all see a video? Cause I cannot.


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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
Ok weird, last night I could not see the video in any browser and this morning suddenly I can see it. It is a typical fact-twisting media narrative going to all possible lengths to call Trump a liar. Maybe he is, but not on the things it is accusing him on. CNN and their "fact checking" is one of the biggest scams in international news today. Let's start with their lies on inflation affecting the poor.

If one takes a non-weighted basket of goods people buy in the grocery store, it might be up only in the low 20s. However when you weight it for the types of foods consumed by the poor and working class (and especially those working physical jobs, requiring more calories, and have to drive to those jobs), it's a very different picture. And is what Trump should be talking about when he attacks the Biden administration. I just researched the most immediate goods that came to mind.

Butter: dropped under Trump from $2.24/lb to 1.35, a decrease of 40%. Increased 129% under Biden to $3.09 (the cost today).

Potatoes: went up 2% under Trump. Went up 37% under Biden

Bacon: up 30% from 2020-2022

Eggs: up 89% from 2020-2022 (same source)

Gas: averaged under $2.50/gal under Trump, $3.50 under Biden, a ~55% increase

Heating oil: averaged $1.69 under Trump, $2.67 under Biden for a 58% increase

Next up: Harris emphasizing one race over the other. I am turning off my ape hat for the moment. I share a similar racial heritage to Kamala Harris. What Trump is saying may not be popular but it is absolutely true. She has made fun of Jamaicans for smoking pot when it suited her. She has played the Indian card when it suited her, and played the Black card when it suited her. And then she is a woman. How many DEI cards does a person get to play in politics? She is running on that because she is a lousy politician who burns through her staffers.

On abortion, she voted against the Born Alive act requiring that babies born who were subject to an abortion attempt must receive medical care. If someone wants to argue about that one, let's go. Harris has a 100% rating from NARAL. That's why I have a long-running fictional series about her eating puppies.

CNN lies more than Trump.


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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
I never said I was black--or any other color/race/ethnicity.
I classify myself as 'other'. Make of that what you will.
I just know racial/social injustice when I see it--and it pisses me the hell off!

Let's keep it real, lance. If Sonya Massey were a white woman, 'mentally compromised' as you term her to have been, do you really think that white cop would have shot her? I'm 1,000% certain he wouldn't have--believe that!
And she did nothing wrong, as you allege, but was unwisely allowed by those white cops to go into her kitchen--where there are weapon-like objects--and attempt to put water in a pot/boil water, whilst rebuking one of the cops in the name of Jesus.
Between you and me, I think that's what really ticked him off and made him shoot her--and not that hot water cop-out (no pun intended).

Last I checked, simply being mentally compromised is not a crime/misdemeanor or warrant/justification to get shot by the police.
Knowing fully well that something wasn't quite right with her, those cops should have left immediately after explaining to her that they'd found no prowlers/trespassers on her property.
Things didn't/never had to escalate to what they did.
But, again, I bet you if she were white, she'd still be alive today--believe that!

I am neither a member nor political endorser of the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus.
But, heck, their members have every right/choice to admit, support and favor whatever persons, groups, ideas, or places they like. Their club, their rules.
If anyone doesn't like it, they can stay away from them.
Their choices may be unpleasant/undemocratic to you, but darn, they still have to right to have/make those choices.

'Hot mic' Jesse Jackson and those other black 'leaders' you mentioned/referred to were simply hating on Obama--and you know it!
They didn't believe he had a rat's ass chance in hell of sniffing the White House lawn, let alone getting in there.
I can almost hear Jesse and them saying, "Where does this novice-ass, punk-ass, African mother f@#ker think he's going, when the rest of us haven't made it there?"
And, hell, Obama's pa was a full-blooded black Kenyan African; does that make him black enough?

But you know how some folks hate on their own that they feel haven't paid their dues.
But then what happened when they saw 'the brother' was a shoe in? "Oh, we are proud--yes, mighty proud--to endorse/receive our first 'black' president!"
And, accordingly, the ass-kissing began.

Yes, all politicians are hypocrites and liars.
But, there are some whose kool-aid I'm willing to drink, 'cause there's no better option being offered, and others I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.
Guess which ones K. Harris and Trump are serving... :-))


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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
>> If Sonya Massey were a white woman, 'mentally compromised' as you term her to have been, do you really think that white cop would have shot her? I'm 1,000% certain he wouldn't have--believe that! <<

That's why we deal in statistics, because people's feelings and anecdotes always outweigh everyone else's feelings and anecdotes. It's more useful, though decidedly less popular and newsworthy, to take measures improving aggregate lifespan and quality of life of black people than it is to get all excited about this or that incident. Strangely enough, it seems like Trump is actually doing more on this than Harris.

"The death of one [person] is a tragedy; the death of millions is a statistic" - Joseph Stalin

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RE: Trump Asks Whether K. Harris Is Indian Or Black
Go, I have no intention with debating you "feelings". You can feel whatever you want. If you feel that you know 1000% the unspoken motivations of other humans, white, or black, then that's between you and God.

For the record, I didn't call Massey mentally unstable, her family did. Also, it is clear you did not see both police officers' bodycam, or you would have seen Massey throw the pot of water when she was killed.

I'm not defending the cop. He was wrong to escalate the incident, but if you want to see racial injustice, wherever you choose. That is your right. Live free. Believe as you wish. Vote for whom you want. Drink all the Kool-aide that gives you peace.

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