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Not A Big Deal, Christians

"GOD is Spirit, and those who (truly) worship HIM must do so in spirit and in truth."

True Christians should not be so adversely affected by this Last Supper parody at the Olympics.
If Jesus, a good and innocent man, could be unjustly arrested and killed for no good reason, then this parody is nothing in comparison.

Jesus was accused of using demonic powers to heal people and cast out demons from possessed folk. Did He freak out about it? No!

Christians were persecuted and martyred for their faith. Does this parody even compare to such attacks? No!

There are religions today where the devil/evil is directly worshipped as a god. Does this parody even compare in severity? No!

Many now question the very historicity of Jesus. Does this silly parody compare to that? No!

I think Jesus himself would smile at this parody and say, "Give unto Caesar (the pop culture of the world) what is Caesar's, and unto GOD what is GOD's."

In 'truth and spirit' this parody does not dent or mar the real/true spirit/essence of Jesus/Christianity.
So, these outraged fake/superficial pseudo-Christuans should lighten up and focus their zeal/efforts on other more worthwhile things--like selling off all of their churches' wealth to aid the poor more.


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Rank:  117

RE: Not A Big Deal, Christians

In mocking Jesus, they are in fact re-enacting the Passion narrative itself, advertising what Christianity is capable of enduring. Mockery has never weakened Christianity. Soft living does.


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Not A Big Deal, Christians
It's something the French, a secular country, are known for. They've taken the mick out of a lot of religions.
It's also worth mentioning that 'The Last Supper' is a work of art. It's not a religious text. It's not a holy symbol, it's not a relic, it's just a very good painting that happens to depict a religious figure. The image itself is created entirely from imagination. The artist wasn't actually there.
Honestly, some are carrying on like they ripped up the dead sea scrolls.


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RE: Not A Big Deal, Christians
Well, there is a story/account of a last supper/meal in the Bible, where Jesus had a meal with his disciples sometime/shortly before he was arrested and crucified.
Their seating positions were not detailed/narrated, however.

I just hope Christians don't start thinking and behaving like certain followers of another major religion, who swear physical harm/vengeance on those they believe have ridiculed/mocked or even picturally depicted their holy prophet and mishandled their holy book in any way.

Religious nutters are unbelievable!


Poet Rating
Rank:  16

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Review Stars
Rank:  117

RE: Not A Big Deal, Christians
^^ what GoWiSt said (since there is no "thumbs up" emoji here)


Level 1 Pro

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RE: Not A Big Deal, Christians
Yes, there is an account, from which Da Vinci would have drawn his inspiration, but that doesn't change anything I said. It's still just a painting, done by someone over 1000 years after the alleged event.
In any case, some people have chosen to see the tableau at the opening ceremony as depicting the last supper, but the artistic director claims that wasn't the inspiration (not sure about that claim, though), and certainly not everyone who watched it made the connection.
It feels rather like something people have chosen to be offended by, rather than a deliberate two fingers to Christianity.
But yes, I agree with Go's point.


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