- Magical Maneuverability by Y. M. Roger
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So many Disney kisses...what if the couples got to choose?
Magical Maneuverability by Y. M. Roger
Flash Fiction contest entry

Making my way from the palace, my crown caught on a low-hanging branch. The pond was beautiful!

Suddenly, Charming’s head breached the surface. Smiling as usual, he swam to join me on the bench.
“Morning, Princess!” Charming climbed out and sat beside me. “Beautiful day, huh?”
 “Definitely, Charm!” I nodded, smiling down at the former Prince.
After conversations about our lives waned, I placed the cookies his mom, the queen, had made beside him.
“Here. Your mom woul–”
“Deal’s a deal, Snow. You got the crown, I got out!”
He snagged a fly buzzing by. I looked away.
“But they mi–”
He swallowed and pointed. “Look in the water, Snow.”
Seven tadpoles wriggled there.
I squealed excitedly.  “They’re yours, Charm?!”
“Yep!” He hopped into the water, his green skin glistening. “Give the cookies to Sneezy! I’m gonna play leap-frog!”
I smiled. Magical kisses were such a strange thing...



Author Notes
Can you guess what Charming and his froggie wife named the tadpoles.....? ;) ;)

Just having some fun, folks... it's Friday, after all! Thanx for reading me! ;)

Image of Disney's 'Snow White and Prince Charming' from Google Images.


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