- I Rememberby poetwatch
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The love of my soul I see every day.
I Remember by poetwatch
Mother's Day Poetry Contest contest entry

I miss you,
every day I see your eyes
looking at me.
They stare from that lonely mirror
the reflection of memory.
Someday, I will kiss your eyes,
share your secret smile,
you will hold me in your arms
and look into my heart.
I remember as I search
the corridors of my mind
the happiness that life robbed
from your spirit and soul.
You did not run, but faced them...
until you could not.
I remember that night
as the sound of sirens came for you.
I was there, a ten-year-old kid,
waiting on mom
to take her home.
Yes, I remember the tears,
the fears of my younger siblings,
they all wanted to know about Mom.
You came back home to your rocking chair,
but you were not all there.
You smiled less and looked through us.
Help came to the door
with old ideas and new inventions.
They took you away.
Yeah, I remember you pleading with me
asking me to take you home.
I was twelve, I believe, and the shock
I saw was the tied-down bed
and the cure-all metal helmet.
I took you home that day
your rocking chair was still there
waiting, calling your name
as you embrace it.
Yeah, I remember,
and I see you every day
In my eyes.
I love you, Mom.

Author Notes
It's a sad story. I tried to make it nice and flowery, but the words would not come. I saw my mother looking at me with her Mona Lisa smile and I knew what she wanted. She desired to be seen, for life is not perfect. Her smile grew with my tears. The night was foggy when she fell she worked the grave-shift.


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