- Night terrorsby CD Richards
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A poem about LGM
A Potpourri of Poetic Curiosities
: Night terrors by CD Richards

Last night up in the sky above our shed
I saw approaching from the east-south-east,
an object that quite filled my heart with dread—
'twas forty feet across at very least.

This craft that seemed to fly out of a dream
expressed its vile intentions with no doubt.
It sucked a cow up in its tractor beam,
then seconds later, spat the carcass out.

I know it helped exacerbate my fears,
I'd just been watching X-Files on TV;
while downing half a carton's worth of beers
and could have smoked a joint, or maybe three.

A saucerian? Yes, of course I am,
so don't you dare suggest it's all a sham!



Author Notes
Today's word: saucerian (n.) a believer in flying saucers.

Disclaimer #1: No, I'm not promoting drunken debauchery, or drug use. It's a poem.

Disclaimer #2: No, I'm not really a saucerian.

My much-treasured Christmas present for 2017 is a book by Paul Anthony Jones: "The cabinet of linguistic curiosities". Each page contains a descriptive story about some obscure or archaic word. It occurred to me it would be a fun exercise to try and write, each day, a poem featuring the "word of the day" from the book.

Thanks for reading.


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