Poor Sam...
A Potpourri of Poetic Curiosities
The tightrope walker
by CD Richards
A young schoenobatist named Sam
joked and waved while traversing the dam;
but the rope it was wet
and the lad had no net;
now poor Sam looks like strawberry jam.
Author Notes
Image: Valet tightrope, Ian Burt. Unaltered. CC2 licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode). Downloaded from https://www.flickr.com/photos/oddsock/9125510233.
Today's word: schoenobatist (n.) tightrope walker.
My much-treasured Christmas present for 2017 is a book by Paul Anthony Jones: "The cabinet of linguistic curiosities". Each page contains a descriptive story about some obscure or archaic word. It occurred to me it would be a fun exercise to try and write, each day, a poem featuring the "word of the day" from the book.
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CD Richards
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CD Richards
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