- War on Drugsby Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens
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Another lesson from Proverbs
War on Drugs by Carolyn 'Deaton' Stephens

Our nation launched a 'War on drugs back in the day of Ronald Reagan. Illicit use of controlled substances, as they call them, were being widely used by many in the United States and across the entire planet. However, the war on drugs didn't start with Ronald Reagan, nor the Chinese government, who enacted an anti-opium law in the 1870's. It didn't begin with the Richard Nixon administration in the 1960's when drugs became the symbol of youthful rebellion in the United States and other countries. It, in fact, began in the days of Solomon, the writer of Proverbs in the Old Testament. In a world where drugs are considered the number one enemy of our children, it is a good thing to see what the Bible says about such enemies.

As with any pharmaceutical drug which has it's appropriate usage in the control of pain, the drug alcohol was used for the same reason. Proverbs 31:6 'give strong drink to those who are about to perish...' Alcohol has long since been used as a means of anesthesia. What would our early frontier doctors have done with out the infamous whiskey bottle to sooth the injured cowboy, or pioneer suffering from certain illnesses. Alcohol still has its place in the medicinal world.

Mind altering drugs, as well as the use of Alcohol stand side by side when used inappropriately. Proverbs 4: 5 'It is not for kings, lest they drink strong drink and forget the law..'Proverbs 20:1 'Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging and whoever is deceived by it is not wise.

We all want to be wise, consider the habit of drugs and drinking, fight the battle, keep the War on Drugs going.

Carolyn Deaton Stephens


Author Notes
Thank you for asking that the Ladies bulletin articles continue. These articles are not meant to sermonize in any way, but rather, just present it as it is written. This particular article has been well received by social drinkers as well as some who have felt they consume to much. Whatever, the case, whether you are a non-drinker and a non-drug user or one called a casual user, I sincerely hope you read and reflect on the references. Book of Proverbs, KJV Bible, old Testament.


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