- The Disappearing Sankey
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Uncovered fingers wipe off keys.
Geoffrey's Musings.
: The Disappearing Keys. by Sankey
Blank Verse Poetry Contest contest entry

The poor old keyboard with my fingers got swiped.
For some silly
reason many key names were sniped.
It was something to do with my meds regime,
Their resulting wash off just made me scream

An  initial solution, sort of "cover-up" job
Some light rubber gloves only cost me "a bob"
I just had to remember to put them on.
Otherwise, the letters would keep being 'gone.'

I now think I've laid out
My last "fifty
With a final solution
That makes me just holler

No more disappearing keys
For me to bemoan
No more gloves, no more tears,
No more letters being gone.

My "puter" tech came up
With a brilliant idea
Involving just nail polish
But only in "clear"

All the keys are now painted 
With delicate care
I'm grateful to know, now,
Letters won't become rare.

It's taken so long
For this cure to unfold
I now know this keyboard
With me will grow old.
An addendum - Five years on...

Several keyboards along,
It's still the same song.
With my brand new keyboard
It didn't take long.

The "most used" of the key names
Have started to faint.
After only two weeks
Real happy, I ain't!

I'm back wearing gloves,
Not a really firm love
But if I don't get them donned,
Soon the letters are gone!



Author Notes
I really had a great rhyme for this, originally. Then I entered the contest as shown, but I was not within the rules of that. So now that is passed we have re-done this with new rhymes and some more verses for you all to absorb. The expression 'a bob' refers to a shilling from the old Sterling money in Australia. Equal (in name only hehe) to 10c or a Dime in USA I think. "Gone" after bemoan needs some poetic license in pronunciation, for rhyme, ok. Each set of wireless keyboard and Mouse (they only came together) cost $AUD50.00 a time and I can't tell you how many sets I have been through. No more, thank goodness.
Now we are back with an Addendum to this sad story. "Donned" is past tense of the verb "don" or to "put on."


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