- Soldier response to Dear deepwater
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Letter from Home
Writings From the Heart
: Soldier response to Dear John. by deepwater

Hi sweetie, I sit in this trench reading your letter and dreaming back on our time,
I remember our first night's meeting, you got so drunk I sat with you pouring coffee, you looked like an angel, love at first sight.
I remember making out in the parking lot, not knowing a guy on the balcony above was watching, why was it we stopped kissing, we loved to kiss?
I remember that day on the ranch, I proposed, we made love that night, but first you called your mother asking permission to stay over.
I remember moving into the new post house, we didn't have much, but we had love and whatever the army issued,
I remember being so happy, remembering the blow up bed, no heat or hot water just our bodies to keep us warm.
I remember the weekend holidays in the old hotels we made love by the fire, and spent hours on the beach, your golden tan,
I remember watching you sleep, an angel at peace and thinking, how lucky I was, even when you snored.
I remember the birth of our children, your face with pride so strong, new lifes our future.
For five long years I have survived with love from your letters, and memories of passion deep within my heart,
But now only to find your soul travels with another as I'm away, this letter brings death for me this day
Please give the kids a hug and kisses, let them know I died a broken man forever away,
a soldier in hostile lands.





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