~Apocryphal Apparition~
'Twas twilight's shadow forced my gaze there, tho'
trepidation and despair were factiously studious pupils.
What witchery is this?, said I, and lo'—
gave ample pause to reaffirm my pernicious scruples...
An apparition with yawning maw— there!
I beseech you, you must believe, lest I go completely mad;
from its reflected prison did only stare,
a leering monstrosity taking what little hope I had.
Am I insane?– query brushed mine own ears,
'twas only I–lone sentry present there to seek the answer.
Stoic reflection savored my pains' tears,
devoured my cowering image like malicious cancer.
And now–'twas nigh time to rise and proclaim,
yet another prayer with such flirtatious frivolous fancy.
From whence, this apocryphal specter came—
speaking hollow words, so gently hushed—they most surely damned me.
“O' apocryphal apparition”, I cried, “converse no more!”
Cursed cheval glass then cracked , as yonder breezes brushed my soul cold,
glass crashed when—like waves on yon distant shore—
remnants of what once was succumbed to madness, as fate foretold.