- My Crown Collectionby Fleedleflump
Prologue for my crowns of sonnets collection
I Hereby Crown Thee ...
: My Crown Collection by Fleedleflump

A crown of sonnets is seven interconnected sonnets which form a whole. The final line must be the same as the opening line, and each sonnet must begin with the final line of the preceding one. Crowns often take the form of an ode, addressed to a single person, but this is not a requirement.

In this book, I've pulled together the various crowns of sonnets that I've written over the last couple of years. I find it a fascinating, challenging form and I've loved writing every one.

For those interested, there is a progression through these that matches my skills at poetic craft. In the first chapter - the double heroic crown of sonnets 'Love and Laughter' - I had not yet mastered iambic meter, and it shows. For reference, heroic sonnets have a fourth quatrain in them.

'The Shadow of Mirth' - a comedy fantasy tale - is much closer, but not quite there. I used this crown to convey a story which is a spiritual sequel to the 'laughter' element of chapter 1.

It was only with 'Seven Shades of Inspiration' - a journey through the varied moods of the muse - that I really felt I got it right.

There is a new chapter coming today, which is what prompted me to tie these all together in a book. I hope you enjoy them :-)



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