- a life that was of my own choiceby deepwater
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looking back on life
Writings From the Heart
: a life that was of my own choice by deepwater
The Life He Almost Lived writing prompt entry

Go as a pilgrim and seek out your quest,

Far from the comforts and well-lit avenues of life,

Only to bet your soul against the human unknown,

Seeking intimate wealth in the company of friends,

To experience lust, love, anger, tears and pain

Only to survive to see another moonlit night alone,

Then will you be at peace with yourself

And to be able to say, I am my best friend,

As you look down the farthest side of your life with age,

Fulfilled and understanding in all, and truly content

to have lived a life that was of your own choice

Writing Prompt
Many people talk about what they wanted to do with their lives... what they should have done, the lives they almost lived. Write a poem that captures this.



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