- Postcardsby jlsavell
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My grandmother's life
Postcards by jlsavell
Poem of the Month contest entry

Postcards in the drawer, the musty drawer
Aged and frayed with the scent of old oak
Bundled neatly by a red ribbon
These postcards in the drawer, grandma’s drawer

Absconding with gentle loving care
Placed upon her bed, my grandma’s life
Those postcards in the drawer, secrets kept
Treasured by this woman, of that I’m sure

And in this room upon her bed, empty now
Only haunting voices of her laughter
The faint smell of lavender lingers
Mingled with a musty scent of written memoir

1917, December
Emma, Emma, my love

I think of you often, please take care
All my love


1918, June
Emma, the nights are long

I long to be in your arms
I love you as no other, my Emma

The cards span time, across the oceans far
From taverns to battlefields of blood, stopped abruptly
Tear stained and lipstick print
Revealing you cherished his words

So many declarations, so many desires
Longing, waiting to embrace you
Emma, to embrace Emma
A young woman with immense grace

And who is this Edwin, my dear Emma?
This man, his words written on postcards
Tucked away carefully in the musty drawer
So very many stored gently in the old oak drawer

Your secrets, my sweet grandmother
Did you know one day I would find?
Yes, of course you did, I was your confidante
But only in your death, you told me secrets

Was that the sadness that sometime glinted in your eyes?
When you held me close, to dry my tears
You told me you understood a broken heart,
as you gently stroked my hair

My heart breaks for your gentle touch, Emma;
but even more so for your heart that was broken
Thank you, grandma, for your courage
to share with me your yesterday’s unspoken

All from postcards in a drawer, a musty oak drawer;
that mingles with lavender, the scent of your spirit
I gently bundle them with your red ribbon
and place them gently, lovingly in my drawer
Postcards in my musty old oak drawer


Author Notes
My grandmother,Emma, was born in 1896. She passed in 1982. My grandmother and I were very close. While she lay dying, she told me of a secret compartment in her old oak dresser. As a young girl I found excitement scavenging for my grandmothers beautiful costume jewelry and kerchiefs in that old oak dresser. I had no idea,until she told me about her secret compartment. After her funeral, I found postcards from her past as a young woman.
Thank you Hotshot for the beautiful art..Matinee, befitting of my grandmother's era.


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