- A Grumpy Mother by tempeste
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Sicilians consider her like that.
A Grumpy Mother by tempeste
Write a Kyrielle writing prompt entry

Loved and respected, she stands tall
"a muntagna"** by some she's called,
lover or a grumpy mother

All wish this wonder, deep slumber

Cause when this national treasure
awakes and gives off some pressure
she can be a motherfucker.

All wish this wonder, deep slumber

When she shakes, violently quakes
down steep slopes glowing lava snakes.
Fear she instills when ill-tempered

All wish this wonder, deep slumber

Her tantrums make locals scramble
living with her is a gamble.
Her presence at times encumbers.

All wish this wonder, deep slumber


Writing Prompt
A kyrielle is made of quatrains that rhyme. Each stanza (that is a quatrain) has a line that repeats, so a line from a previous stanza. That line usually (but does not necessarily have to) be the last line in the stanza. Each line in the poem has eight syllables. There is no limit to the number of stanzas. Usually there are three or more stanzas. Any type of rhyme scheme can be used. More information and an example.

Author Notes
Etna is , called "a muntagna", meaning the mountain in dialect,

She is a sort of great Sicilian mother, a little grumpy but who also gives many good things, which is why she must be loved and respected.


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