- My Wretched Insignificanceby Terry Reilly
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overwhelmed by immensity
My Wretched Insignificance by Terry Reilly
Write a Kyrielle writing prompt entry


I stood outside and scanned the skies,

watched planets in their solar dance.

The vastness made me realise

my wretched insignificance.


I dived as deep as I could go,

I feared the bends, but took a chance.

The ocean trenches helped me know

my wretched insignificance.


I stood atop Mount Everest,

light-headed, I was in a trance.

The icy air was bound to test

my wretched insignificance.


The angel holds my trembling hand,

I pray for sweet deliverance.

And now I truly understand

my wretched insignificance.

Writing Prompt
A kyrielle is made of quatrains that rhyme. Each stanza (that is a quatrain) has a line that repeats, so a line from a previous stanza. That line usually (but does not necessarily have to) be the last line in the stanza. Each line in the poem has eight syllables. There is no limit to the number of stanzas. Usually there are three or more stanzas. Any type of rhyme scheme can be used. More information and an example.

Author Notes
the bends = potentially fatal muscle cramps heralding oxygen deficiency and nitrogen overload in divers at extreme depths, or resurfacng too quickly. (aka Caisson Disease.)
This piece is a Ginsbergian howl, expressing existential angst.


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