- Nature's Avian Symphony Startsby Peter Jarvis
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The dawn chorus - there is nothing better.
Nature's Avian Symphony Starts by Peter Jarvis
Rondeau Poetry writing prompt entry
Artwork by Susan F. M. T. at

It is early morning the world awakes,
Mother Nature stirs, the tranquillity shakes,
A symphony of melodies saturates the air,
There is nothing in life that can compare,
Just stand and listen, that's all it takes


The robins lead the way; there is no mistake
A beautiful warble, the heart it takes,
While woodlands sing with voices fair
The world awakes

The thrush and lark, their song forsakes,
All worries fade, and the air gently quakes
In vibrant tones, the day prepares,
As whispered dreams and harmony flares,
Just listen to God's gift to us as daybreaks
The world awakes

Writing Prompt
A rondeau poem is required for this contest. It is a fixed form of poetry. It is often used in light or witty poems. It often has fifteen octo - or decasyllabic lines with three stanzas. It usually only has two rhymes used in the poem. A word or words from the first part of the first line are used as a refrain ending the second and third stanzas. The rhyme scheme is aabba aabR aabbaR. See an example and instructions here.

Author Notes
The dawn chorus is nature's way of serenading the sunrise, that magical time in the early morning, usually before dawn, when birds burst into song. Picture this: a symphony of melodies as each bird adds its unique tune to create an avian orchestra.



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