- Perditionby Terry Reilly
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Sleep-walking to disaster
Perdition by Terry Reilly
Rondeau Poetry writing prompt entry

I fear for the planet on which we dwell,
our selfish behaviour serves it not well.
We choose to ignore the evidence base
showing the guilt of the whole human race,
as we make our home a replica Hell.
Fierce conflagrations a grim tale do tell,
flooding and tempests are Man's work as well.
Just to survive we must journey to space.
I fear for the planet...
Denying reality's no magic spell,
Like Jericho's men before the walls fell.
How can we look each other in the face?
Our crass self-destruction's such a disgrace.
We've gone quite deaf, can't hear the tolling bell.
I fear for the planet...

Writing Prompt
A rondeau poem is required for this contest. It is a fixed form of poetry. It is often used in light or witty poems. It often has fifteen octo - or decasyllabic lines with three stanzas. It usually only has two rhymes used in the poem. A word or words from the first part of the first line are used as a refrain ending the second and third stanzas. The rhyme scheme is aabba aabR aabbaR. See an example and instructions here.


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