I was moving in a sea of souls;
towards the beautiful city we trod.
Anger was so thick that it filled the air.
It swelled up inside of me,
for I realized my vain desires had come to naught.
As I gazed upon that city made of gold;
so pure it was clear as glass,
the command went out for us to take it.
We moved to surround its towering walls.
Suddenly we were stopped in our tracks.
Before us were scenes depicting the Anointed One.
His birth, death and resurrection
played out before our very eyes,
convicting us to the core
as we beheld the work He'd done in the heavenly sanctuary.
I knew then that I was among the lost.
As we all went down on bended knee,
acknowledging both our guilt
and acceptance of the judgement
soon to be passed.
With that fire came down from heaven;
forming into a sulfurous lake,
and we began to burn up.
Some went very quickly;
the only thing to mark that they had existed
was the rising smoke.
Just when I thought I was about to follow
I awoke from the dream,
with sweat pouring off me like rain.
As a river of tears flowed from my eyes
I fell down on my knees in anguish,
crying out to God for forgiveness of my sins;
grateful for the chance to yet turn my life around.