- Small but perfectly formedby Terry Reilly
This work has reached the exceptional level
A glass always half full
Small but perfectly formed by Terry Reilly
What Makes Me Happy writing prompt entry
Artwork by Cindy Sue Truman at

I'm one of seven tiny chaps, our cabin's in the trees.

The kind Snow White looks after us, cleans, and cooks our teas.

Dopey, Sneezy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful, wise old Doc,

are very special friends to me, heigh-hoeing round the clock.

But though we share our lives together, one big family,

they are them and I am me, unique identity.

We each can be distinguished by our personality,

but I stand out from all my pals by being full of glee.

I sport a beard, thick snowy white, like Doc and Grumpy, too.

But they take life too seriously, I never can be blue.

The secret is to find the silver lining in each cloud,

to laugh at life's vicissitudes, and keep your head unbowed.

There is a twinkle in my eye, a smile upon my lips.

A spring in every step I take, a swivel of the hips.

I always see the best in folks, I trust implicitly.

Sunshine irradiates my heart, that's What Makes Me Happy.

Writing Prompt
Write a rhymed poem, minimum three stanzas long, on what makes you happy. Any rhyme scheme. Any style poem.

Author Notes
Why only five of us in the picture? Someone had to take the photo.
I was Happy to do it, and Bashful was too shy to pose.


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