- A Meow-ry-go-Rhyme for Izaby Debi Pick Marquette
For Iza Deleanu (all the fun 2 liners pertain to her cats)
A Meow-ry-go-Rhyme for Iza by Debi Pick Marquette

We've talked about a birthday poem now for a couple years

But Iza gets so busy, for a while she disappears 

So, we could not connect, but neither one of us condemns

Then we found ourselves playing lots of phone tag with PMs

I may have had to paws her poem till I knew where she's at

Now she is back and thinks purrhaps it could include her cats

Our Iza's from Romania; she's now Canadian

Alberta is her providence, and lives in Edmonton 

She's happy when she's traveling and loves the ocean views

And Iza, how about an Indian blue ocean cruise 

I'll ask about her Costa Rica trip next in our chats

It wasn't the most purrfect trip but she still has her cats

She writes about events that surround human universe

And adds them to her humor fiction story to disperse 

She's published many works, but at FanStory all her posts

Are evidence of her great work, but you won't hear her boast 

And I will tell you something about Iza that will Wow!

She understands each of her cats, when they just say Meow!

Now she is 49 and she still loves to have some fun

She's looking good and feline fine, and please forgive the pun

But one more thing about her, we know Iza is single

And she has no intention of changing that to mingle

And when the weather's frigid, hope your cats don't try to push

To go outside to play too long, it may freeze off their tush

I hope you don't mind one more tease, but I will if I may

A half a century next year and it is on it's way :  )

 But Iza here at FanStory we all would like to say

That we love you and hope you had the Happiest Birthday 

And something may just happen that could increase your pet stats 

Because this little bus load found out you may want more cats  


Author Notes
My Merry~go~Rhyme Rules:
1. must rhyme
2. must be fun
3. normal 4 line stanzas
4. a fun line or 2 between each stanza (for the up and down carousel effect)
5. mostly carefree and joyful (for the round and round effect)
6. may have sadness in poem, but must have joyful ending, to keep the theme going

If you would like a tribute/birthday poem written, (makes no difference if you had one already or not) please PM me and let me know the date. I would be happy to do one for you or for one of your loved ones.

Image from Pinterest account


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