- Serpent's Bargainby Patrick Bernardy
Her desire is called a sin to shackle her power ...
Serpent's Bargain by Patrick Bernardy

              Caresses sealed in splendor makes her young
              —this gasping rush is hot inside her heart.
              A blinding blissful blast—her passion sprung!
              —the serpent slithers forth to source its part.
              The snake it offers blame in fork-tongued fits
              and sings its sweet and soft corrupter's hiss.
              The scaly scalding skin and venom-spits
              inject the guilt that buys her lover's kiss.
              Desire doomed in chantries forms her shame
              —it roasts her soul within its holy light.
              Malignant moral men condemn her claim
              —they keep the serpent coiled around her night.
              Her pleasure twists the faithful's code until
              it's caustic to the sacramental mind.
              Consenting couples coo their secret thrill
              for there the serpent always waits entwined.


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