- Would I live?by Richard Frohm
A soldier lays gravely wounded. He prays to God to live.
Would I live? by Richard Frohm
My Faith Poetry contest entry

I had led a good life

 At least I felt I had

Now I lay bleeding, thinking of my wife

The last look I saw was her face, so sad

I was being sent to war

To fight and possibly die

Fortunately, I did not know what was in store

All my time in Vietnam. I could not forget that last goodbye.

A single enemy bullet had struck my chest

I fell to the ground with blood seeping from me

Our medic was doing his absolute best

Thank God my wife was not there to see

They loaded me onto a chopper with doc at my side

“You will make it,” he said, reassuring me I would live

I am only twenty, with so much to give

Please, dear God, let me survive this ride

There is power in prayer, or so they say

I should have died in that rice paddy

I have lived every day since, grateful to God for giving me one more day.

I am alive to hear the sweetest words any man can hear. “That’s our granddaddy.”


Author Notes
This poem could be written about any war. I chose Vietnam because of my brothers and those that served. Their sacrifices should never be forgotten.

When you see a veteran from any war or service. Please thank them for their service. i know they will appreciate it!!


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