- Quiescenceby Patrick Bernardy
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Acrostic Photography Project -- Q
Acrostic Photography Project
: Quiescence by Patrick Bernardy
    Acrostic Poetry Contest Winner 

               Quickening silence: 
               unfolding her calm, she lives carefully, 
               interested most in 
               even surfaces on which to lay her head. 
               She breathes slowly while the eye swirls, but 
               chastening chaos is never far away. 
               Envision her fear as ebbs and flows,
               neverending, like an eon's worth of ocean tides— 
               cycles of recurring chaos and calm that
               encase her inside a prison of parental cruelty. 

Writing Prompt
Write an acrostic poem. Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title. See an example in the announcement.
Acrostic Poetry
Contest Winner

Author Notes
It's not easy to write about the life of a young child enduring the horror of parental abuse. Children preyed upon by those who should cherish them most must surely enrage the soul of the universe.


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