- Spirited Justice Chap 30by Begin Again
This work has reached the exceptional level
Could the ice block be melting?
Spirited Justice
: Spirited Justice Chap 30 by Begin Again

"Beauty, Brawn, or Brains" was a global platform showcasing women's diverse talents, yet murders, accidents, and deceit haunted the pageant worldwide. Was there a common link or merely coincidence?

Jenna rubbed her temples and leaned back in her chair. The day wasn't even halfway over, and it felt like she'd run a marathon. She stared at the stack of paperwork and sighed. "Well, Jenna, it won't get done by itself, so you might as well get started."

Emily peeked through the door. "Did you say something to me?"

Jenna laughed. "No, I was talking to myself. I don't think we ever get through all the paperwork."

"We do, but it does take time. You've been at it all morning, Jenna. Why don't you slip off those heels and take a moment to breathe?"

"I'd love to, but you and I both know I might never start again if I stop."

"That's kind of the point. Just lean back for a few minutes. I'll field any calls, don't worry. You deserve a break."

Before Jenna could protest, Emily gestured toward the rose sitting in the vase on her desk. "Secret admirer?"

Jenna smiled, feeling a warm blush on her cheeks. "No, it was just Matthew acting like Prince Charming."

"It's beautiful, and by the looks of things, he might think you are, too."

"Don't be silly. It's Donatelli we're talking about, Emily. He's all about THE crime."

With a knowing smile, Emily whispered, "I saw him when you were on the stage. Between his eyes and the wolf whistle, I'd say it wasn't a crime he was thinking about." Before Jenna could respond, her assistant stepped out, softly closing the door behind her.

Jenna leaned back in her chair, kicking off her shoes. Her eyes drifted to the red rose again, its delicate petals opening, reminding her of the moment Donatelli had handed it to her. She couldn't help but smile, thinking back on how he'd looked at her — warm, sincere — as if no one else was in the room.

She picked up the vase, gently swirling the water as she replayed how he'd said, "A rose for the beautiful lady." The words hung in her mind like those catchy tunes you can't get out of your head — the ones that drive you crazy.

Her fingers grazed the rose's soft silk petals as she toyed with calling him. Would it be too forward? Her gaze softened as her mind drifted..

And then, out of nowhere, someone shouted —


Jenna yelped, nearly knocking the vase over as she jerked back in her chair. Her heart raced, and she spun around to find her mother hovering with a mischievous grin.

"Mom! Seriously, one day you're going to give me a heart attack!"

Eleanor laughed. "Honestly, it was worth it for that reaction."

Jenna shook her head, trying to calm her racing pulse. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just passing through. I saw you daydreaming about that rose or the man who gave it to you. Practically drooling."

"I wasn't drooling! And I wasn't thinking about the rose. I was — well, I'm not sure you'd approve."

Eleanor raised an eyebrow, feigning shock. "Me? Not approve? Now I need to know."

Jenna looked at the rose again, biting her lip. "Donatelli gave me this today."

"Matthew gave you a rose." A smile tugged at the corner of Eleanor's mouth. Struggling to keep a straight face, she asked. "What was he apologizing for now?"

"Nothing! He offered to buy me lunch and suggested we make it dinner sometime."

Eleanor teased, "Hmmm — sounds like a date."

"He didn't mean it that way — we're friends."

"I know. Friends. But it still sounds like he was asking you on a date."

"I've got this pageant dinner tonight, and the invitation says bring a guest. I thought — maybe — I could call and see if he'd like to attend with me. You know, as my plus one. Not a date or anything, just a — a guest."
Eleanor smiled at her daughter and waited for Jenna to process her thoughts.

She paused, glancing nervously at her mother. "It's short notice, though. Is that too forward?"

Eleanor let out a dramatic sigh and plopped down into a chair. "Oh, Jenna. So scandalous. Asking a man to dinner — at the last minute, no less! How will society ever recover?"

Jenna groaned but couldn't help laughing. "You're impossible."

Eleanor chuckled. "Well, since you asked for my expert opinion — just call him! You're a grown woman. You don't need my permission. Besides, what's the worst that could happen? He says no, and you must deal with an empty chair and awkward small talk. Or, he says yes, and you get a lovely dinner with a guy who's clearly into you. Oh, and I get to watch you squirm while you pretend it's not a date."

Jenna blushed. "I'm not squirming, and no one invited you!"

Eleanor winked and added, " Oh, dear, I thought I could go as the chaperone."

"No, you cannot."

"Call him, dear. And stop staring at the rose like it will do it for you. Don't overthink it!" Eleanor laughed. "I've got to run. Charles is expecting me. Maybe it will be a night to remember for both of us."

Jenna could hear her mother's laughter echoing around the room as she picked up her phone to call.


Donatelli sat at his desk, half-buried under a mountain of paperwork. His phone buzzed, breaking the silence. He glanced at the Caller ID.

Danni leaned across the desk and checked the number. "That's Jenna, and it's the third time she's called. Why aren't you answering it?"

"We're busy. I don't have time for chit-chat."

The phone rang again; this time, Danni reached across and grabbed the receiver. "Hello, Jenna."

"Hi, Danni. Am I interrupting anything?"

"Nothing important, just paperwork."

"Umm — is Matthew around?"

Danni grinned. "Of course, Hon. He's right here." She handed the phone to Donatelli. He made a face at her but answered, trying to keep his voice casual, "Hey Jenna."

"Hey, yourself," Jenna's voice sounded warm and playful. "I know it's short notice, but I forgot about this pageant dinner I have to attend tonight, and I was just thinking I could bring a plus one."

Donatelli chuckled, though internally, he was already searching for a polite way to decline. "I've got a mountain of paperwork here," he said, glancing at the stack on his desk for emphasis. "And I'm not dressed for a formal dinner."

"Oh. It's not formal. It's a casual get-together." Jenna felt awkward and added, "But I understand if you're busy. It is short notice."

Danni hissed at him, "Go!"

He shook his head in response to her, and Danni's eyes narrowed in disapproval. Taking a bolder approach, she said out loud, "You did ask her for dinner."

Donatelli sighed, shooting Danni a frustrated look. He turned his attention back to the phone. "Are you sure you can't find someone else?" he asked Jenna, though even as he said it, he knew that's not what he wanted her to do.

"Oh, come on," Jenna teased, her voice full of mock indignation. "You're really going to turn me down after giving me that rose? Did I mention it's a free dinner?"

He grinned despite himself. Standing beside him, Danni threw her hands up and mouthed "Go!"

"Alright, alright," he said, giving in with a half-laugh. "You win. I'll be your plus one."

"Great!" Jenna's voice lit up. "I'll pick you up at seven."

"No! That's where I draw the line. I'll pick you up."

Donatelli hung up the phone, shaking his head. "You'll thank me later," Danni teased before returning to her paperwork. Inside, she was giggling.


The evening air was warm as Donatelli and Jenna walked along the veranda. Inside, the pageant dinner was still in full swing, laughter and conversation drifting into the night, but everything felt different under the moon's soft glow. The scent of roses drifted across the porch, and Jenna suddenly felt giddy.

She took a sip of champagne, her gaze sweeping over the gardens below. "This is nice," she said softly, glancing at Donatelli with a small smile. "I didn't think you'd agree to come."

Donatelli chuckled, taking a slow sip of his own drink. "I almost didn't," he admitted. "But — I'm glad I did." He looked at her, his eyes searching hers. There was something in the way she looked back. He couldn't put a label on it, but it felt good.

They stood in silence for a moment, just the two of them, away from the chaos of their usual lives.

"Do you dance?" Jenna asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Donatelli blinked, caught off guard. "Dance?" He gave her a wry smile. "Not unless you count chasing suspects through alleys. That can be quite the rumba at times."

Jenna laughed, a soft, melodic sound that made him smile. "Come on," she said, setting down her glass and extending her hand. "Let's see what you've got, Detective."

Reluctantly but with a growing smile, Donatelli took her hand, and she led him to a small, empty patch of veranda. There was no music, but Jenna hummed softly under her breath, swaying gently as she guided him into a simple, slow dance.

As they moved together, Donatelli felt a warmth building between them — not just from the champagne, but from Jenna's hand — her body — fitting so easily against his. For a moment, he allowed himself to relax and forget about the case and the chaos that had seemed to surround him lately. Here, with her, things felt uncomplicated.

"I have to admit," Jenna said, looking up at him with a teasing smile, "You're not half-bad."

"Don't let that get out," Donatelli replied with a smirk. "I have a reputation to maintain."

They danced for a while longer, the soft hum of Jenna's voice filling the quiet night. When they finally stopped, Donatelli realized how close they were standing. The air between them felt charged, and for a brief second, he considered leaning in for a kiss, but hesitated.

Jenna seemed to sense it, too. Her smile faded as she stepped back, breaking the moment, but not the connection.

They stood there for a moment longer, both anxious about what might come next. Donatelli wasn't sure what Jenna was feeling, but he felt ready to explore the possibility for the first time in a long while.


At 7:45, Danni was impatiently waiting for Jenna's arrival outside the Art Museum. She spotted Jenna as she exited the cab and hurried down the stairs to greet her.

"Good morning!"

"Danni? I didn't expect to see you here. Is something wrong?"

"Wrong? No, of course not. I need the scoop on last night's dinner. Spill it!"

Jenna looked around, though she knew no one else could see the ghostly investigator. "Oh, you mean the dinner?" Jenna chuckled. "It was nice. Really nice. We talked, we danced, and Donatelli was — well, surprising. But let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Danni gave her a knowing smirk. "You're blushing, Jenna."

Before Jenna could respond, Patti Beckett climbed out of her limo and called, "Jenna! Woohoo, Jenna. I wanted to say a quick hello before your day got hectic. I'm not keeping you from anything, am I?"

Jenna smiled. "No, not at all. I just got here myself."

"Has that detective been around? He gives me the creeps."

"Matthew Donatelli? Why would you say that, Patti?"

"He was at my place yesterday and almost accused me of murdering Arthur."

Jenna's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh gosh, Patti. You must have misunderstood. Why would Matthew think you —" She gulped, unsure how to say it without sounding rude.

Patti did it for her. "I'm not mistaken. He told me not to leave town. Jenna, I'm the widow, and he's asking me all these horrible questions. You're his friend. Maybe you could say something to him in my defense."

"Sure, Patti, but I doubt I would make an impression on what he does with the case."

"You can tell him I loved Arthur. I would never have gotten the divorce if it wasn't for all his cheating. As a matter of fact, I'm going to find the young lady — Hilda, I think. I want to apologize for any indiscretions Arthur might have done."

"Oh, Patti, I don't think that's necessary. She probably has forgotten about it. You know how young people are these days. They don't look at things the same way we do."

"I still think I will offer to take her to lunch. Just a friendly ovation."

Jenna glanced at her watch. "I have to get inside, Patti. It was nice seeing you. And I wouldn't worry about Hilda."

"Maybe you are right." She turned and started down the steps toward the waiting limo. Glancing over her shoulder, she waited for Jenna to disappear inside and then told her driver to take her to the back of the museum. She knew she could enter through the back door and not be seen by Jenna.

Meanwhile, Danni had been listening to the entire conversation between Jenna and Patti Becket and knew something was going on, and it wasn't just about lunch. She hurried through the building and waited for Patti to appear, her curiosity piqued. She liked being a fly on the wall sometimes, especially when she could catch someone in the act of doing things they shouldn't.


Author Notes
Danielle "Danni" Delahanty -- Ghost Detective
Eleanor Bennett -- Beloved Ghost Advisor
Matthew Donatelli -- Detective
Jenna Bradford -- Journalist and Pageant Consultant
Naomi Henderson -- Lawyer/ex-lover of Donatelli -
Arthur Beckett - deceased lawyer, friend, and enemy of Naomi
Patti Beckett - ex-wife from a nasty divorce
Hilda - a pageant contestant and medical researcher
Klaus - Hilda's older brother and protector
Johan - a supposed friend of Hilda's family with a connection to Jose
Angelo Carter - a private investigator with a dark side
Carlos Hernandez - a Mexican landowner with power
Jose Hernandez - Carlos's son - a reckless playboy
Alejandro - Jose's childhood friend
Garth Woodman - FBI Agent
Tango and Poppa - FBI agents under Garth
Allie - his love who died of cancer (an investigative reporter)
Dr. Rosa Galotti -- Morgue Medical Examiner
Emily - Jenna's faithful assistant
Lila - a pageant contestant who was murdered for her research
Thomas Whitaker - Lila's father
Sophia - Lila's sister (blind)
Max - Sophia's best friend and guide dog


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