- Glowing Moonby Pamusart
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A man gets fixated on the moon
Glowing Moon by Pamusart

The calm of the twilight should bring him some peace,
He sees yellow remnants of sun get deceased. 
A tropical fragrance now floats through the air. 
This beauty is breathless; no words can compare.
The lights of cabanas expose the dark piers
The rush of the ocean is spraying his ears
We watch the full moon as she's starting to rise. 
A small island band plays a lovely reprise. 
The bars are just closing; their lights are now dim. 
Full moon casts a glow; as his thoughts start to swim. 
Reflections of moon on the surface of sea,
begin to encourage his bad thoughts to flee. 
Alone with the ocean, the moon and his mind,
He stares at the sky which has helped him unwind
The moon's looking back; she is blinding his eyes. 
No doubt she's the master of starless night skies. 
Some clouds streak the sky, now they cover the moon,
while stars have a party, but, they'll be gone soon. 
The stars have all faded; the clouds move along,
He hopes that the moonlight will help him be strong. 
He stares at the moon for a very long time;
Begins to go home with the moon on his mind. 
It soon will be morning; he's walking alone. 
Soft glow from the moonlight has followed him home. 


Author Notes
For once an uplifting poem

Credit Google for the photo

Thank you for reading my poem


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