- Teri's Purr~fect Birthdayby Debi Pick Marquette
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Merry~go~Rhyme for Teri 7
Teri's Purr~fect Birthday by Debi Pick Marquette

This tribute's for a woman who we truly do adore

And even though we love her, we know Jesus loves her more

Was born in grandmother’s bedroom

A gift from God and mother's womb

We're glad doctor made that house call

Now she's a blessing to us all

The job that she loves most in life, is full of sweet reward

And when she cleans the church, she's really serving her Dear Lord

The toughest time in Teri's life 

When filled with sorrow and with strife

'Twas when her only sister died

Who'd always been there by her side

She's worked Social Security ~ Answering service then

At Farmers Home, and secretary for police captain 

The oldest son is Jonathon

Has wife, Sha and their boy, Greyson

As far as Tim and his wife, Ann

A winter baby is the plan

There are some days that can be tough 'cause Teri has MS

And that's when you'll find her in prayer, to Jesus, she says "Yes"

Her family and husband, Tom

They feel her love, her peace, her calm

The youngest son is Jeremy

She is the best mom she can be

She has Polly, her grand~chicken, and also grand~dog, Gus

She lost count of how many cats, her heart is enormous 

And her most cherished happy perk

To watch Greyson while mom's at work

She takes care of their animals

In all directions, her heart pulls

So Teri, Happy Birthday, may your day have no regrets

And hope you will have many more and nobody forgets

And while we celebrate for you, will you care for our pets : )


Author Notes
Pronunciation of each word is important from syllable to syllable on these poems.

My Merry~go~Rhyme Rules:
1. must rhyme
2. must be fun
3. normal 4 line stanzas
4. a fun line or 2 between each stanza (for the up and down carousel effect)
5. mostly carefree and joyful (for the round and round effect)
6. may have sadness in poem, but must have joyful ending, to keep the theme going

If you would like a tribute/birthday poem written, (makes no difference if you had one already or not) please PM me and let me know the date. I would be happy to do one for you.

Art from Pinterest Account

How Great Thou Art ~ by Carrie Underwood


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