- Give the Kids Their Rainbow Backby Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level
Will kids someday relate to a different rainbow first
Give the Kids Their Rainbow Back by Debi Pick Marquette
Poem of the Month contest entry

Most children always love to draw
A beautiful sight they once saw
With crayons little minds will show
How they remember the rainbow

God put the rainbow in the sky
A promise made from the most High
What it's become is way off track
Let's give the kids their rainbow back

I try to live my life by God
Instead of the one who's a fraud
The world no longer will abide 
So now a rainbow stands for pride

And yes, it's true, I can't relate
But I have not one speck of hate
Yet, one by one the ethics slack
The kids deserve their rainbow back

At some point we must be prepared
And for our young, we should be scared
They must see black to know there's white 
Must they see wrong to know there's right

So do we teach our kids to see
What rainbows still are meant to be
To just accept, they'll surely lack
Please give the kids their rainbow back 


Author Notes
Because of my deep faith in God, these are my beliefs. For those disagreeing with me, thanks for doing it in such a respectful manner. I judge no one and I certainly don't judge my friends by their beliefs or for any other reason.
I have some gay friends and a trans-gender grand niece and I care deeply for them all.

In the Bible, God's promise to Noah is represented by a rainbow in the clouds, as described in Genesis 9:13-15:
Genesis 9:13: "I have placed my rainbow in the clouds"
Genesis 9:14: "Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds"
Genesis 9:15: "I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life"


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