- Cat and Mouseby GWHARGIS
This work has reached the exceptional level
Miranda and Tyler go with Missy.
The Miranda Chronicles
: Cat and Mouse by GWHARGIS

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
So far, Miranda Jessup Buckley has been jilted, fired and left to take care of her ex-lover's child.   Missy shows up to the Little Eagle at closing time.  Deputy Tyler Douglas realizes his mistake, on trusting Missy, too late.  Knowing Miranda won't leave the wounded officer behind, Missy takes both Miranda and Tyler to a secluded spot.
Tyler can hardly walk, and as he leans on me for support, I glance at his leg.  The stain is about six inches in width.  It would look like nothing more than a water stain, if you didn't see the bullet hole.
"Why'd you do that, Missy?" He sounds like a child.  The wound in his leg pales to what his trusting heart is going through.
"Shut up," she says.  She playfully kicks at him from behind.
The brunt of his weight almost takes me down.  "Look, you crazy bitch, if I fall we'll never get very far."
"You're in no position to boss me around."  
She might not like having me say it, but she realizes I'm right and stops.  We walk across the parking lot to the empty lot next door.  It used to be a burger joint but after repeatedly failing health inspections, it closed.  Nothing came in to replace it, so nature is slowly taking the lot back.  There on the side of the building with no lights, is Missy's BMW.  
"He's gonna get your car all dirty," I say.  "You wouldn't happen to have any paper napkins with you, would you?"
"No.  I do not.  I'm not some hillbilly who rides around with napkins from Burger King in my glove box."
"Might be hillbilly, but it'd save your upholstery."
"I'll get it detailed."
I laugh, despite the tense and dangerous situation.  Like some guy isn't going to ask about a huge bloodstain in her backseat.
"I'll tell them someone got their period," she snaps.
"Oh, sure.  That'll work."
"Why wouldn't it?"
"Not the same kind of blood."  Now I'm totally bullshitting.  I have no idea if that's true or not.  But I have to have time to think.
"I doubt if the guy at Dream Detailing is a fucking CSI investigator." Her voice is shrill.  She's getting rattled.  Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know yet.  She taps Tyler on the shoulder and practically hisses in his ear.  "You tell your mouthy crutch there, if she doesn't shut up, I'm gonna shoot you again."
Tyler moans.  He looks into my eyes helplessly.  "Please stop talking."
I have no other choice.  I have to switch gears. I have to put the spotlight back on the star.
"So, I kind of feel like you've been planning this little get-together.  Any special reason?"
She perks up.  I've just given the stage to the attention seeking lunatic.   
"Oh, my dear, sweet Miranda, I've had this thing going since we ran into each other at the Dollar General.  You remember, shortly after that idiot, Dougie, left you."
I look up sharply.  "Where is Dougie?  What did you do with him?"
"How the hell should I know where he is?  I haven't seen him since he tried to sweet talk me into investing in that scam company of his."
"You have his phone.  He wouldn't have just given it to you."
She giggles.  "It must have slipped out of his pocket.  I found it wedged in between the cushions on the couch.  I thought it might come in handy, and I was right."
"So, you didn't kill him?"
Missy rolls her eyes.  "I don't kill for fun.  If I've done anything, it was for others.  You owe me a huge thank you, Miss Holier-than-thou. "
"Oh, really.  You kill Jason because he didn't say thank you when I spotted him a nickle at The Little Eagle, or something?"
"Stop asking about Jason.  Jesus, you're like a damn dog with a bone.  No.  I took care of a bigger problem for you."
"I haven't had any problems, so try again."
She unlocks the car and opens the back door for me to help lower Tyler in.  Once he's settled in, she closes the car door and grabs my arm, making sure I see the gun is pointing at Tyler.  "Remember Ed Preston," she says softly.
"You did that?  Why?  What possible reason would I have had for you to kill him on my behalf?"
"Quit acting like I killed an upstanding member of society.  He was a disgusting weirdo.  Shit, this county owes me a debt of gratitude."
"There are a lot of weirdos, what gave you the right to kill him?"
"He was going to press charges against you.  He was madder than a hornet when he found out the sheriff let you off with a talking to."
My stomach recoils as I think about Ed's milky, lifeless eyes, staring into nothingness.  "He didn't have a case," I mutter.  I reach for the doorhandle on the passenger side.
"Um, no.  You're driving.  I'll sit in the backseat with him."
She follows me around the side of the car and waits until I get in, then she gets settled and hands me the keys.  "Be careful.  This is my baby," she says.
I turn the key and hear the engine purr smoothly.  The minute we pull out of this parking lot, all bets are off.  Now, driving her car, to wherever she wants me to go, I've lost all leverage.   
It's her game now, and she can change the rules whenever she wants. 
"Where are we going?"
"Just turn left out of the parking lot and drive straight. I'll tell you when to turn."
I look into the rearview mirror.  She's looking at Tyler, a seductive smile places on her face.  "You did good, baby," she says.
Tyler looks like he's going to cry.  He leans away.  "You shot me."
She smiles.  Like a cat who holds a mouse by its tail.  She's playing.  Her claws are barely out.  But, I know the cat never let's the mouse go free.  It's just a matter of time before she'll get bored and that mouse will die.  
I need to think.  And I don't have much time.  I can't let anything happen to Tyler.  What kind of babysitter would I be, if I let that crazy cat hurt him again?
To be continued ...

Author Notes
This is part of a larger body of work.


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