- Our Gal Salby Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level
Such a Courageous Woman
: Our Gal Sal by Debi Pick Marquette
    Write a Poem about Someone on FS Contest Winner 

Inside and out, she is so Beautiful

Although she is blind, she's also dutiful

I doubt we could find another gal

Who comes even close to our gal Sal


She has such a lovely personality 

Her writing shows originality 

So thankful to have her for a pal

   To know her is to love her, she's our gal Sal


This wonderful woman, has some history

  Her series of three books, are quite a mystery 

I love her strong faith and spirited morale 

 She's a sister in Christ, she is our gal Sal


Many friends know her as Sally Law

My favorite book, 'What the Blind Girl Saw'

She prays for others, without fail

An asset to FanStory, she's our gal Sal


Writing Prompt
The topic for this Poetry Contest is Write a Poem about Someone here on FanStory

Write a poem that somehow incorporates the topic. The poem does not have to be specifically about the topic and creative approaches are welcomed. But contest voters will be asked to consider the topic when making a choice for a winner.
Write a Poem about Someone on FS
Contest Winner



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