- Flame Liliesby Gypsy Blue Rose
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7/5/3 Modern Haiku
One Thousand Cranes
: Flame Lilies by Gypsy Blue Rose
for rules, please see my author notes

in the hottest part of day
sunbirds pollinate
flame lilies  


Author Notes
Flame Lily (Gloriosa superba) is a flowering plant that grows in tropical jungles, forests, thickets, woodlands, grasslands, and sand dunes. This plant is poisonous, toxic enough to kill humans and animals if ingested. It has been used to commit murder, and to achieve suicide more info

Sunbirds are small passerine birds from the Old World. Found in Africa, Asia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and northern Australia. Sunbirds feed largely on nectar, more info

MODERN HAIKU is the English adaptation of Classic Haiku. It's written in one to four lines with no strict syllable count, but as brief as possible. These poems use a pause usually marked by a dash before the satori (an insightful twist to ponder). Images don't need to be taken from nature. Seasonality is optional. Alliteration and metaphor are okay. Never rhymes. The em-dash ( -- ) is used to emphasize an interruption in speech before the satori. Haiku usually doesn't have a title but in fanstory we have to have one. The Haiku Foundation of America

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." Atticus


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