- We the Peopleby damommy
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A Trimeric
We the People by damommy
Poem of the Month contest entry

It’s time for us to make a stand
against the hogwash news we’re fed.
Majority no longer rules,
we’re prey to anarchy and fear.
Against the hogwash news we’re fed,
we must be careful where we’re led,
‘cause wickedness has shown its head.
Majority no longer rules,
and we allow it, turned to fools,
now propaganda in our schools.
We’re prey to anarchy and fear,
attacking all that we hold dear.
Our leadership is cavalier.



Author Notes
Cavalier - given to haughty disregard of others; showing a lack of proper concern; offhand.

Trimeric is 13 lines long. Trimeric tri-(meh)-rik n: a four stanza poem in which the first stanza has four lines and the last three stanzas have three lines each, with the first line of each repeating the respective line of the first stanza.
The sequence of lines, then, is abcd, b---, c---, d---.
There is no line length, meter, or rhyme requirement or prohibition.

There is no rhyme pattern required, but you may use rhyme if you wish. The first four lines set up the poem. Then, when you arrive at line 5, line 2 is repeated. At line 8, line 3 is repeated. Line 11, line 4 is repeated. Four stanzas.


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