5/7/3 Autumn Humanity Haiku
One Thousand Cranes
Orange Fire Daisies
by Gypsy Blue Rose
for rules, please check my author notes
orange fire daisies
on her fawn-shade kimono —
harvest moon
Author Notes
Fawn is a shade of beige. Fire is a shade of orange.
This week we are learning about HUMANITY HAIKU. click here to find the haiku club
KIGO: harvest moon for autumn
Humanity Haiku category focuses on aspects of human beings. It's not to be confused with Senryu which doesn't have a kigo (season word) Humanity kigo list includes: clothes; food and beverages; work and school; sports; recreation; the arts; illness; travel; communications; and moods. click here to see List of Kigo
HAIKU is a Japanese short poem that uses imagistic language to convey the essence of an experience of nature intuitively linked to the human condition. FORM: In Japanese, haiku is written in three lines 5/7/5. In English, it's 17 syllables or less, as brief as possible.
The essence of haiku is represented by the juxtaposition of two images or ideas separated by a dash to pause for introspection, usually at end of the second line.
source of 5/7/5 syllables rule ***
source haiku rules by William J. Higginson, Haiku Society of America *** HaikuWorld.org
My haiku was inspired by a painting by Otake Aya (Ekphrastic)
Thank you very much for your review and your valuable time,
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Gypsy Blue Rose
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Gypsy Blue Rose
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