- Change of Lifeby pome lover
This work has reached the exceptional level
Today's state of affairs in the US
Things I Think about
: Change of Life by pome lover
Poem of the Month contest entry

Our life now, is not the life
We had a few short months ago.
Our country, then, a great success,
Has turned into a giant mess:

Our open border is a fright
Our People's House is boarded tight
Our kids have lost a year at school
Our government has no Golden Rule.

China laughs because they know
That Big Tech really runs the show
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, The Swamp
Of Never-Trumpers scheme and romp.

While those of us in this great land
Who twice elected a smart man
Are censored every which "away"
In much of what we do and say.

Social media often does
Cancel what we say because
They can, and no one does a thing
About it--anarchy is king.

The news folk pamper sleepy Joe
And cover up his gaffs and so
To compensate they fall back on
Their favorite "racist lexicon."

And here's the sickest thing of all--
Americans causing our downfall!
Americans who have the best--
Don't value it, they just protest.

Some things I laugh at, when alone
That strike my (weird, but) funny bone;
I also cry in dark of night
So many things are just not right.

Of friends and family there's no doubt
They're what my life is all about,
We try to keep each other strong -
Not think of all the things gone wrong.

So, hopefully, this month-long tome
Of musings by this member, Pome,
Will resonate with some who'll say
That they agree with me. Hooray!

I must add here, that there ARE some,
Who've wished me well, at least, thus far,
And so, I carry on in hopes
That my next words will raise the bar.

Or, at least not irritate
Which would mean I've gone too far,
However, some things must be said;
So, I will hope for even par.


Author Notes
and so it goes


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