Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted December 9, 2019 Chapters:  ...63 64 -65- 66... 

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Surgery and smoke mess my walks.
A chapter in the book Geoffrey's Musings.

Smog Messing My Jog

by Sankey

Poor old Sydney's

Been smothered in smoke.

And I'm getting over

An "op' " that's no joke.

I've been keen to resume

My walking regime,

But the pain from the "graft"

Brought a halt to that scheme.

I'm told, in some countries,

Daily smog is a norm

I know what we need

Is a really good storm.

Some thunder and lightening

Would sure clean things up

That should bring an end

To all this "What's Up!"



Most would have seen all the problems we have had on the East Coast of Australia with all our bush fires for quite some months now. Some of the fires are causes of nature. However, it has been proved a number of the fires are either deliberately lit or resulting from breaches of total fire bans by folks lighting campfires or bar b q's in dangerous weather conditions. I suffer severe respiratory problems as well so another reason to keep out of the smoke. I realize particularly in California the USA has had its problems with fires not all that long ago as well. Some will have read of my recent Skin Cancer operation that necessitated a graft from my leg to fill some of the hole in my head after the attempted cancer removal. That story is not over yet, either.

Thanks to cleo85 for the "Tortured Face Of Nature" painting.
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Artwork by cleo85 at

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