General Fiction posted December 6, 2018

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A 50 word flash fiction

Lightning cracked

by Chrissy710

'Twas hot and humid.
Strong northerly winds worried Jim. "Gunna be another bad day love," he announced. "I'll keep a look out."

Mid afternoon; flash, lightning cracked.

Within seconds sparks and flames raced along the dry undergrowth taking hold. 

White smoke alerted Jim, his heart now racing.

"Fire," he shouted.

50 Word Flash Fiction writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a story that is a dribble. That's 50 words. Title not included in count.

Our weather here in Australia has been hot and humid and already we have had early fires threatning townships.

The awful recent fires in California a stark reminder of the ravishes of bush fires.

Thank you for reading my story

Image from Moon Willow for Too close for comfort.

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Artwork by MoonWillow at

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