Fantasy Science Fiction posted January 10, 2017 Chapters:  ...6 7 -8- 9... 

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Ayala seems convinced Archie has conformed to Hokee life.
A chapter in the book Humanity Project

The Night begins -Part one

by davisr (Rhonda)

Ayala talks to Archie about his position in Hokee, and hesitantly believes he's reformed. She then goes to talk to Koko, who is home early from her research.
"I'm so pleased you liked your classroom," Ayala said the next evening. "If you finish reading the law books I sent over, I'd say you could start teaching on Monday."

"I've already read them," Archie said, and he had. The books were full of rules and regulations set up by the Hawk Kin and enforced by the Cougars. Archie noticed there wasn't much room for individual choice, and punishments were swift and cruel.

"Will three days be enough for you to prepare?" Ayala asked.

"More than enough." Archie couldn't imagine standing in front of a group of hopeful young minds and teaching them there was no hope at all. If his and Koko's escape plan worked out, he wouldn't have to.

"Good, then I assume I can trust you to behave if I leave your door unlocked tonight?"


Ayala looked at Achie a moment, seeming to juggle trust and suspicion. While he appeared happy and docile, there was always an underlying edge to him she just couldn't define.

Earlier, they had toured the University where she showed Archie her classroom and the one prepared for his law class. He showed interest in both, and even asked if he could arrange for a prisoner from the mines to come talk to his classes about following all the prescribed laws.

Of course, she had to explain that no one sent to the penal colony was allowed to return. He seemed genuinely disappointed and asked if he could take his students there on a field trip instead.

Once more, she denied this request also due to the distances involved and the inherent risks. She suggested shorter trips to the desert, accompanied by the Cougar Clan, may be more appropriate This time he had smiled. He seemed content and well adjusted. Maybe it was just her concern over Koko that had her so suspicious.

She looked at Archie again, and he graced her with a warm smile. Yeah, it was just her insecurities.

"Good night," she said, closing the door to his room and leaving it unlocked.

"Good night."

Ayala climbed down the ladder to the second floor, and walked over to Koko's room. She heard rustling sounds inside, so tapped on the door.

"Come in," Koko sang out.

Ayala opened the door and stepped inside.

"Oh," Koko said, leaving an unspoken, "it's just you", hanging in the air.

"Sorry I'm not Todd," Ayala said, misinterpreting Koko's response. "No research tonight?"

"There's always research, but I took your advice and came home early."

"Good, good. Have you heard anything from Todd?"

"No, and at this point, I'm going to assume he's in the mines."

"We don't know that." Ayala walked over and sat on a high-backed chair. "He might be back at the hospital having another sleep study. If they can correct the animal dreams with medication, they'll send him home."

"They've already tried that."

"I know, but Todd's a good professor, and I'm sure he's better fit to teach than dig for gold."

Koko just shrugged.

Ayala leaned over and looked at a burlap bag Koko had laying on the floor. She reached out a hand to touch it. "What's in there?"

"Just some samples the Ant folk collected for me," Koko lied.

"Oh." Ayala pulled her hand back in disgust. "Well, I guess it's necessary for your research."

"It is."

"Good, well, I'm glad to see you're home early."

"Yes, and very tired."

"I'll let you get some rest, then."

Koko nodded and leaned back on a stack of pillows, her eyes half closed in feigned sleep. She listened to Ayala walk out of her room and close the door.

She waited a few more minutes, then jumped to her feet and began shoving collected items into her bag.
Moments later, she heard another knock.

"Yes?" Koko kept her voice quiet as though rousing from sleep ... just in case...

"It's Archie, are you ready?"

Koko cracked the door open and let Archie slip inside.


A special thanks go out for the artwork, "Coyote in the wild" by cakemp55

Summary of the book so far:

Archie Franklin is a United States Senator from the State of Texas. He's also the President's son.
He was out scoping out New Mexico for a committee he was on when a deer ran in front of his Ferrari and caused him to crash.

He was rescued from the desert by a group of people from a cult-like village called Hokee.
In Hokee, the people are part of an experiment to improve the human condition by taking orphans and raising them isolated from many of the modern conveniences that make mankind weak.
The leader, Leander, chooses what babies are brought to the village, and doesn't want anyone to know about the place so they can maintain their isolation. So, Archie is now a prisoner.

There are 12 houses in Hokee, each named after a desert creature. The jobs of the people in the houses is supposed to reflect the qualities of the animals.

Strangely, the people are taught to fear and despise animals, in spite of a need for meat and wool.

The Hawks, where Leander Jr. lives, are the rulers and are very exacting.

The Cougars are the strong arms of the Hawks, and dish out whatever punishment is required, even to sending miscreants to another settlement they have up North in the mines.

General Summary of the Book:

Young Texas Senator, Archie Franklin, finds himself marooned in the desert with a group of people who are more than they appear to be on the surface.

Hokee: Name of the village Archie is held in. It means, "The abandoned."


Archimedes (Archie) Franklin: High energy, main protagonist, who is, also, a Senator from Texas, and son of the President of the United States, Andrew Franklin.

Ayala: Female head of household in the house Archie finds himself imprisoned.

Andrew (Andy) Franklin: President of the United States, and father of Archie.

Koko: Ayala's best friend in Coyote House, close as sisters, born on the same day.

Todd: Koko's husband

Others to be listed as they appear in the book.

Coyote: The one Archie and Ayala are in: Job: Teachers and professors
Hawk: Ruling clan. Houses Leander Jr. Not to be trifled with
Ant: Considered unclean, these people tend meat animals outside the village
Tarantula: Architects, and menders
Donkey: Transportation and communication
Wasp: Prepare and serve food
Deer: Sports and entertainment
Hare: Make and distribute clothing
Cougar: Policing force; muscle for the Hawk Kin
Rat: Childcare
Snake: healthcare
Buzzards: Clean up crew, maintain sewer and custodial chores

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Artwork by cakemp55 at

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