Biographical Poetry posted September 17, 2016 Chapters:  ...37 38 -39- 40... 

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A horrible event caught us off guard.
A chapter in the book Geoffrey's Musings.

Nothing Like This Before

by Sankey

There's never been such a shocking event

So many of lost, I know where they went

For many so close to being a part

At least one I know was thankful in heart 

Intending to enter the World Trade Center

He changed his mind and did not enter.

Australia's Prime Minister was speaking nearby

When one of the planes through the Pentagon did fly.

Osama Bin Laden, the perp in the mix, 

For many months after laid low with his tricks.

Even today, we all wonder why

So much time before capture

Surely passed by.

'Twas the beginning of much more terror

And, added to that, in high places much error.

Each year as this anniversary comes

We all still remember how we were made numb

So many lives lost, it just makes us cry.

And many attempts to make all a lie. 

Because of the tragic 'nine-eleven' 

I know there are many waiting in Heaven.

May God in His mercy spare us from more

As we, here on earth look to His shore.



9/11 writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem, all types are welcome in the memory of 9/11.


"911" Pictures courtesy Wikipedia
I wrote this some years ago for a Contest in here. I thought as we approach that time of the year again (we are just a day ahead Down Under) it would be good to share once more. Thanks to Sally Law for reminding me.
At the time of the horror of 911, then Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, was at a speaking engagement in a hotel near the Pentagon.

Ian Thorpe, an Olympic swimmer from Australia, in New York at the time is the guy that changed his mind about entering the World Trade Center.
A movie we saw, and still have on DVD, 'Executive Decision" starring Kurt Russell along much the same lines as 911 to my knowledge has never been run again or even seen on TV.
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