Humor Poetry posted May 24, 2015

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who'd ha' thought???

Magical Puffins

by visionary1234

Write a poem using these words... Contest Winner 
Some flexible, mixable Mexican muffins
I took to the zoo and I fed to the puffins.
Please open the door! Oh their cries were rapacious!
They needed a cage that was so much more spacious!
So give us another more practical present!
A cage painted lilac is surely more pleasant!
So, lilac it was, then I brought them a dipper
of trout and two mack’rel, one squid and a kipper.
But still those poor puffins were gasping for air.
Oh what could I do, ‘cos it just wasn’t fair!
I built a fir palace, all woody and grand,
then added some features of water and sand.
My puffins love munching on fishies quite scrumptious
and living in digs that are totally sumpt'ous.
Now who would have thought that these magical puffins
could need so much more than just Mexican muffins?


Writing Prompt
Write a poem in any form or style, with any subject or emotion but must include the following words:

flexible - present - air - dipper - lilac - fir - door - spacious

Where do these words take you??

Write a poem using these words...
Contest Winner


Read it aloud and enjoy reading it fast! Read it to your grandkids and Greg, read it to your sweet little guy!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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