General Poetry posted May 17, 2015 Chapters:  ...123 124 -125- 126... 

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The end will tell you
A chapter in the book Christine's Poems

What am I?

by Chrissy710

No matter how a man may run,
He'll never win the race from me.
Throughout his life I am the one,
Who'll rule his world and destiny.

I am the thing that conquers all,
Despite the way man plays the game.
I'll help him rise, then watch him fall,
But I will always stay the same.

I share my wealth with every man,
Who'll take my goods without return.
But some reach out a greedy hand
And take much more, than they do earn.

I do exist in every place,
I lay the road where man must go.
My work is done without a trace
Without my help, no life would grow.

My door is closed there's no escape,
Though man may search to find the key.
But in the end his life I'll take,
No man may ever run from me.

I am the only one who'll last,
No one can ever take what's mine.
I am the future, present, past,
You know my name, for I am TIME.


Just reflecting about time and how it rules our existence .
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