War and History Poetry posted August 21, 2014 Chapters:  ...49 50 -51- 52... 

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WW1 the war to end all wars 1915
A chapter in the book Writings From the Heart

Elysian Fields

by deepwater

Sunshine breaks the dawn as stench of decay drifts on the winds our way,

The beast we have tempered today, but tomorrow is a new morn.

Across this desolate land we pray, God above give us one more day.

We stack the dead in holes of gray, behind the wire and trenches they lay.

Nameless are the ones who fell, all young lost hope we bury their shells

All souls have traveled up from this hell, to live in Elysian Fields.




On both sides in 1915 there would be more dead on any single day than yards gained in the entire year. And there would be nearly four more years of attrition - not to determine who was right, but who was left.
For Percy Dalling fell on the field at Ypres 1915 lost but always remembered age 17
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