General Poetry posted July 12, 2014 Chapters:  ...23 24 -25- 26... 

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a reverse syllable poem
A chapter in the book Expressing Myself

Lost at Sea

by playinaround

Write a Reverse Syllable Poem Contest Winner 
I, upon the warm sand
salty breeze caressing me
Mesmerized by sparkling ripples
as the sun kisses the waters
with the rhythmic song of waves

and so go my burdens

Writing Prompt
This is purely my creation:) A reverse syllable poem should have the following,
1- The 678-876 syllables pattern per six line stanza...
3- It can be free verse/rhymed etc
2- You can add up to 4 stanzas as per your choice, but one stanza is mandatory

so It goes like this,
line1-6 syllables
line2 -7 syllables
line3- 8 syllables
line4 -8 syllables
line5 -7 syllables
line6- 6 syllables

I will see you there man -6
where my heart lies to you too-7
And I will be happier for you - 8
and reverse the pattern:)

Thank you


Write a Reverse Syllable Poem
Contest Winner

Thank you Doris 1022!!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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