Humor Poetry posted September 23, 2013 Chapters:  ...7 8 -9- 10... 

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A chapter in the book Steve's Poems for Kids


by kiwisteveh

Funny Nonsense Poem Contest Winner 
Wow-Wow and Grizzly and Grumpy and Fat
All lived on the moon in a wee council flat,
With a moon-dog, an alien, Grumpy's old mother,
A whatchamacallit, a something-or-other
A wizard, a warlock, a pirate or two
And a wrinkled old warthog escaped from the zoo.

They shared a big breakfast with most fulsome mirth
In the light of the fragile and faraway Earth.
The moon-eggs were scrambled, the moon-bacon fried;
Said the warthog, "I'm fuller than Frankenstein's bride.
I once dined on quince with a runcible spoon,
But nothing beats blueberry pie on the moon."

The queue for the bathroom stretched far down the hall;
The moon-dog insisted on chasing his ball.
The warlock grew tetchy, the pirates grew terse,
The wizard froze Grumpy's old Mum with a curse.
The whatchamacallit shed crocodile tears,
The alien wiggled all five of his ears.

Then Wow-Wow grew maudlin and started to weep;
"Oh where, " he cried, "where will these critters all sleep?"
But Grizzly soon cheered him, "You worry too soon;
I know for a fact there's no night on the moon."
"Aha!" cried the pirates, You think you're so clever!
We come from the dark side where night lasts forever."

Soon something-or-other got into a spat
With warthog and moon-dog and Grumpy and Fat,
While Grumpy's old mother awoke from her trance
And shyly invited the wizard to dance.
In a flash the whole household was paired off in threes
And they tangoed till twilight 'neath tropical trees.

Writing Prompt
Write a funny nonsense poem.

Funny Nonsense Poem
Contest Winner

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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