Humor Non-Fiction posted July 30, 2013 Chapters:  ...19 20 -21- 22... 

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Remembering Old Ladies who we knew.
A chapter in the book Geoffrey's Musings.

Funny Old Ladies

by Sankey

My Mum was a Missionary for a number of years.
First in Eritrea then later in Zaire.
That is a story in itself.

Mum had commented in one of her letters to me as follows....
"Was thinking of Miss C yesterday. I am sure the dear soul must be lonely without her sister." (They were twins)
"Remember me to her, also to Miss S and all the other dears in the Aged Care Facility."

Mum's comment about these ladies reminded me of some things I wanted to share.

First of all though, I need to explain that my Mum was a bit of a taxi driver for our church folks.
This next story describes one of those occasions.
This is a another remembrance of Miss C.
We were driving up the main road one day the two old sisters were in the back.
As we waited for the lights at the corner to change all of a sudden from the back seat came "Green!" from one of the old ladies.
I guess we should have given her a 'back seat driver's license!' Hm.

Another old dear, of whom my Mother spoke in her letter used to get my older brother to do her gardening and mow her lawn for her.
We often thought that Miss S spent most of her day sitting at her window and watching with a microscope or binoculars for a blade of grass to re-appear on the horizon so she could call my brother to come over again.

I am guessing my brother probably enjoyed his time over there with a cup of tea, and cake, I am sure after his hard work, and enlightening conversation with Miss "Sulliphani" as she was known.

I have not indicated the names of the ladies concerned or the names of the Aged Care places where they lived, but the stories are true.
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