Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted February 10, 2011 Chapters:  ...30 30 -31- 32... 

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age of time
A chapter in the book Writings From the Heart

the twilight of history and age,

by deepwater

The twilight of History and Age.
A sea of dreams as fog rolls in on the twilight of history and age,
Reflections in time, as we hold memories from travel our souls have engaged,
What is to come with this passing of years, the distress of evolution on man?
Who will surrender to desires from governing powers for our forgotten and aged.
Can we now withdraw leaving you to explore the foreign but new roads of life,
How will we stand, lead us by hand as the days grow dimmer and cold.
This generation is yours, the past we endured to bring you up to this day.
But determined,we each have our travels through the vistas of life, 
if our paths should perchance meet, well, perhaps we may travel together for a time...



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