General Poetry posted January 30, 2025

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Evens to Odds

Oh, the Things He Could Think

Doc Seuss
was not obtuse
his books were poetry;
young readers thrilled; their minds were filled
with the flow of his verse metrically
from Cat in the Hat, to things like that,
or, were his fish red or blue?
If green eggs tempt you,
please turn to
... Seuss

Authors Even the Odds contest entry
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Dr. Seuss wrote the preponderance of his work in metrical rhyme. He chose anapestic tetrameter, but did stray into trochaic or iambic as needed to keep the flow. He wrote about 60 books with Green Eggs and Ham being considered his best. He was challenged to write it using only 50 words. It is considered a classic beginner's book and is used heavily by reading teachers. The title of this piece is a play on his book titled "Oh, the Thinks You Can Think!".
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