General Poetry posted January 26, 2025

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Each season is a different song.


by HarryT

We love the warming sun of spring
Rising again is life renewed
Bright flush flowing in our garden
Every season is a new song

The summer sun bathing our days
With blue sky and buoyant feelings
Our hearts pulse with frolicsome tunes
Every season is a new song

Cooling winds cannot be forestalled
Leafs turn golden, fall and flutter
Raked leaves, flame and smoke in backyards
Every season is a new song

As winter rain begins to freeze
Snowflakes fall in whirling ballet
Freezing nights, strike up the fireplace
Every season is a new song


Write a Kyrielle writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
A kyrielle is made of quatrains that rhyme. Each stanza (that is a quatrain) has a line that repeats, so a line from a previous stanza. That line usually (but does not necessarily have to) be the last line in the stanza. Each line in the poem has eight syllables. There is no limit to the number of stanzas. Usually there are three or more stanzas. Any type of rhyme scheme can be used. More information and an example.

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