Humor Fiction posted January 22, 2025

This work has reached the exceptional level
Idiocracy contest entry

Lost in Thoughts

by DragonSkulls

The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

A faint meow is barely heard 
while briskly she departs.
I ponder if my tabby says,
"Excuse me," when she farts.
Security at airport gates
oft ask if I'm insane.
Their therapeutic pet restraints
keep rhinos off the plane.
The internet gives me the choice
to search my own abyss.
My options were so closely matched,
to masturbate or this.
I took a bus to outer-space
to get my mind on track.
What can't you buy in outer-space?
A friggin' ticket back.
If only I could travel time,
here's something to believe.
I'd grab that snake and smash its skull
then slap the shit out Eve.
That is unless creation's true,
where image was the map.
Then Adam beats the shit out me...
'cause God is buff as crap.
I love how we just make stuff up
for flaws we now foresee.
Back then my father's leather belt
cured quickly ADD.
The mind's an endless journey sought
should one's own brain commit,
but that much time for aimless thought...
I'm just not feeling it.
Perhaps I'm on a voyage at sea
while floating unaware.
I see the coastal lights in search
but not care.
I could go on with endless facts
to make you comprehend,
but then I think and ask myself,

Idiocrasy contest entry

I created this silly picture myself.

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