Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted January 18, 2025

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a proto feminist classic novel

the Awakening

by jake cosmos aller

The awakening

A proto feminist novel

By Kate Chopin.


Shocked the world

Back at the turn

Of the 20th century.


With its depiction

Of a young woman

Awakening to desire

Awakening to eroticism.


Throwing off conventional

Morality and all that entails.

In a futile search

For self-fulfillment


That cannot be achieved.

Except for at a high cost.


And in the end

She takes her life

Unfulfilled desires


Awakening her fears

in the end.

Summarize writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem of any kind summarizing a book that you are currently reading.


Write a poem of any kind summarizing a book that you are currently reading or have recently read.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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