Essay Non-Fiction posted December 23, 2024

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Customer Satisfaction Essay

by Haley Chilson

You wake up, get ready for your day and head on off to work. You likely have a routine, which probably includes stopping at your favorite coffee shop along the way. Have you ever taken that first sip for it to almost feel magical? Like you can conquer anything the world hands you? That moment, is satisfaction. Sadly, however, oftentimes we find ourselves upset about that messed up order and we say to ourselves, “I would have made it the right way.” Or perhaps it’s something like, “The customer service here is awful.” Although we strive to always do our best, some days may just be more difficult than others. The following pages are just a few of the many ways we can keep moving towards that main goal, customer satisfaction.

              Customer complaints are always unfortunate but they do help show us ways to grow from past mistakes. In order to improve, we must first accept and admit the error. From there we tend to gather information as to what went wrong, then look for the how. In most cases, however, it gets frustrating. Loop back to the top and we’re back to how we would’ve done it differently. It’s important to keep that mentality but transform it into something positive.

 If we truly follow the “right the first time” goal, it often helps to proceed throughout your day and quickly take a moment to think, “Would I be happy with this?” When we have that kind of mindset, that positivity often just naturally helps. Asking and receiving dialog in a calm and collected way often shows that we’re not looking to blame someone, we want to prevent it from happening again. Speaking from personal experience, I’ve had employees say how when it’s peaceful the environment things just feel better. 61% of workers often feel they can’t trust their upper management causing them to be less productive, which increases the risk for defects.

Accountability is always useful. It shows that we care about our brand, but wait, are we really holding everyone accountable? For us to do so, we need to start by holding ourselves accountable all the way up to our suppliers. By that I simply mean that if we were to receive defective product, we would not use it and try to find a resolution for the issue. Using defective material tends to be a pain and is can be very expensive. Studies show that using such material causes a loss off 15-20% in sales revenue. It also shows our employees that we care and don’t want to make things more difficult or cause a dangerous or unsafe situation. 38% of workers feel they are not part of a team.

I bet you’re wondering how all of this is going to help me maintain customer satisfaction, right? By using these values and practices I’ve adopted over all my years in production, I can use the key factors: Accountability, trust, positivity and empathy to develop and maintain resources. These resources would therefore expand my knowledge, in turn, providing me the ability to help the next customer with a little more footing, making the process flow that much smoother.


61% of employees feel like they can’t trust management- Society for Human Resource Management

15%-20% of sales revenue- Cost of Quality: Why More Organizations Do Not Use It Effectively " ASQ

38% of workers felt there was not enough collaboration- Cornerstone OnDemand

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