Romance Fiction posted October 27, 2024 Chapters:  ...39 40 -41- 

Noah prepares to fly to New Orleans

A chapter in the book Willing Hearts

Chapter 24 Willing Hearts

by barbara.wilkey

Can Noah rescue Myra, shut down the human trafficking ring, keep Sami safe, all while protecting his heart? Or did the love of his life appear in front of him.
Noah and Sami met 29 days ago.


"I wonder if Galvin even made the call." Noah faced Bob. "Find a phone number for their main office. I want a name to go with it. We need that information. I don't like not knowing what I'm dealing with."

When Noah went behind closed doors to make the call, Sami asked, "Sarah, why's this call so secretive?"

"It's not a secret. Sometimes Noah's language can get derogatory. I doubt he wants you to hear. Let's see if we can finish that puzzle."

Everybody faced Noah when he opened the door. He exhaled. "He promised to have a report by close of business tomorrow." His eyes met Jose's. "If the report isn't ready, you and I will fly to New Orleans tomorrow night."

"Roger that, Boss."

Noah took Sami's hand. "I'm working on it."

"I know. Thank you." She hesitated. "We're good."


Chapter 24

Late Monday afternoon, Noah paced from the computer lab, through the living room, into the kitchen, and then repeated this path, often. Eventually, he entered his bedroom and slammed the door.

Sami and Sarah put together a puzzle and only whispered.

Jose and Bob spoke to each other when Noah wasn't present.

Noah returned from his room dressed for a workout, went outside, and slammed that door.

Hearing rhythmic pounding, Sami went to the window and stared out. Noah set a log on a larger log before swinging an axe. "What's he doing?" asked Sami.

"He's chopping wood," answered Jose. "Well, splitting wood."

"I know that. Why? It's close to a hundred degrees, and we don't have a fireplace. We don't need wood."

"When Boss gets frustrated, he works it out physically," offered Bob.

"Frustrating is number one on my list of adjectives."

"Sami." Jose's eyes met hers. "It's a different type of frustration. Boss wants answers so he can close this case and he's not getting them. On top of that, Galvin never contacted the New Orleans' office. As for you frustrating him, I have a feeling it deals with him not understanding females." He chuckled. "To be honest; people in general." He exhaled. "I've known Boss for over six years. He has fun when you're around." He closed his eyes. "You need to have this conversation with him."

He left Sami with her thoughts.

Using a towel to dry his sweat, Noah entered the computer lab. "Bob, do we have the information?"

Shaking his head, Bob said, "Not yet, Boss."

"Sarah, get them on the phone."

"Roger that, Boss."

Moments later Sarah handed Noah the phone. "It's ringing."

When it was answered, Noah identified himself and then asked for the information.

Not receiving as much as he wanted, he hung up. "Sami?" When she faced him, he continued, "Have dinner ready by six o'clock."

"Roger that, Boss."

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and exhaled. "Good." Moments later he said, "Jose, be ready to leave by six-thirty. Sarah, contact our helicopter pad and make the arrangements, hotel reservations, reserve a car, and an appointment for nine o'clock in the morning with the SunDrop LLC's CEO. I want wheels up by seven."

"Roger that, Boss."

Before he went into his room, Noah said, "Sami, after I shower, we'll talk."

Noah had showered and packed, before he walked into the kitchen and stood beside Sami. "I don't want you responding to me as if you're one of my agents."

She glanced up at him, and then back to the pan as she stirred. "You spoke to me as if I'm one."

Exhaling, Noah said, "I shouldn't have spoken to you like that." He hesitated a moment, and then continued, "I get in work mode, and forget everything around me. I'm working on changing that."

"I understand. It's none of my business, but I'm pretty sure most people don't like being barked at."

Stepping closer, he said, "You're probably right." He touched her arm. "Sami?"

She turned and went into his arms.

"You need a hug, or do we need to talk? I don't want to leave if there's a problem."

Squeezing him tighter, she said, "A hug will do."

He drew her closer and kissed the top of her head. "It's almost over. Hopefully only a few more days."

She stepped back and their eyes met. Noah initiated a kiss, which lingered.

Two more followed before her eyes lit up. "I'm good."

"You sure?"

"Positive." She took a playful swipe at his arm. "Now get out of here so I can finish dinner. I'm on a strict schedule. Get."

"I'm gone," teased Noah.

Sami set the final dish on the table and called, "Hurry up, everyone get to the table." As the last person sat, she checked the time. "Noah, it's five-fifty-seven. I have three minutes to spare."

Chuckling, Noah said, "Good job. I never doubted your ability." He took a drink of water. "It's been brought to my attention that I bark orders."

Jose's eyes widened. "Sami, you're definitely feisty and go straight into the lion's den."

She held up two fingers. "Feisty is number two on my adjective list."

"Do I bark orders?" asked Noah.

Bob finished chewing before he said, "We've worked with you long enough to know you do bark orders, but it's because you don't want any confusion on the expectations. Plus, it's only done when something important happens. We don't take offense." He left when the computer indicated a message.

"Thank you. Sarah, you have anything to add?"

Winking at him, she added, "You and I have been partners and have been in some tight situations. I wouldn't want anybody else having my back. I understand you're loud, but harmless."

Jose grinned. "It's my turn."

Bob returned with a paper in his hand. "Boss, you're going to hit some stormy weather between here and New Orleans. Sure, you want to take Jose?"

Noah exhaled. "I don't have a choice. I need you on the computer. You need to keep track of our undercover agents. Jose, make sure you bring plenty of barf bags."

Sarah's eyes focused on Noah. "I can fly. It's early in my pregnancy. You're only talking with these guys, right?"

"True, but there needs to be a female agent with Sami."

"Would somebody explain the problem?" asked Sami.

Motioning toward Jose, Bob said, "He gets airsick when the ride's rough."

Jose nodded. "Sure do. I have a few pills left over from our last flight. I'll be fine. The flight's less than two hours." He chuckled. "Boss, just in case, don't sit too close."

"I won't." Noah checked his watch, took one last drink of water, and asked, "Sami, will you walk with me?"

She stood. "Of course."

Noah took her hand and led her to the front porch. Outside he drew her into a hug. "I'll work on barking orders."

"It doesn't bother anybody. I guess in your line of work it's acceptable. In the teaching field, it's unacceptable."

"I can see why." He kissed her. "I'll work on barking orders to you. How's that?"

"I'll try not to be so sensitive. Is that a good compromise?"

"It sounds good." He stared into her eyes. "I need to leave in a few minutes, and I wanted to..."

"Say goodbye?" interrupted Sami.

"Not really goodbye because I'm returning tomorrow."

Sami reached up and her kiss lingered. "I love you."

Noah exhaled. "And I love you."

"I like that."

He grinned. "So do I." They kissed a few more times, before he said, "I'd better head out."

"Please be careful."

Chuckling, Noah said, "The only danger I'll be in is Jose barfing on me." He opened the door, then closed it again. "I need one more kiss."

"Me too."

Moments later Jose opened the door and handed Noah his bag. "Ready?"

"Yep." Noah's eyes met Sami's. "Listen to Bob and Sarah. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

It was late when Noah set up a Zoom call with Bob. "How's everything going?"

Bob grinned. "It's fine on this end. I noticed the weather was touch and go for a while."

"How'd you know about that?"

"I have my ways."

"Don't say anymore." Noah exhaled. "Who'd you hack into? Will I be getting you out of trouble?"

"Shouldn't. I was careful, but..." Bob glanced toward the door. "Sami overheard and was concerned."

Checking his watch, Noah said, "It's a little after eleven. I'm sure she's still awake. Have Sarah get her. I'll let her know I'm okay."

Noah chuckled when he heard Sarah tell Sami that he wanted to speak with her, and she cheered. He grinned as he heard her run to the room.

"Are you okay?" asked Sami barely in front of the computer.

"I'm fine." Noah held up his arms. "See I have all my fingers." He stood. "My legs too. No injuries."

She started to leave. "Noah, don't make fun of me."

"I wasn't making fun of you. Sami, sit." He waited until she sat, before he continued, "When I've returned before, you've given me a once over. I figured it was to make sure I was okay, and you couldn't do that now. I was trying to help."

"Maybe you're such a hunk I was checking you out."

"You're impossible." Noah chuckled. "I guess that's one way to look at it."

"That's number three on my adjective list."

"It should probably be higher."

"Above frustrating or feisty?"

"They both need to be high." He hesitated. "Since you brought up frustrating, I heard a rumor you're concerned about being frustrating."

"Jose ratted me out."

"He didn't really rat you out. He's concerned about us. Being frustrated with work is completely different than being frustrated with you. I was first attracted to you because you're feisty and independent. You saw a problem and met it head on, even though it put you at risk. I was frustrated because I couldn't make you do what I wanted."

"Control me?"

"Yes, basically control you, but only because I wanted you safe. Even though you knew you were in danger, you continued to fight against it. That independent streak frustrates me, but I also admire it. I wouldn't change a thing, especially that."


He held up a hand. "Let me finish, however many adjectives you have on your list..."

"Ten," interrupted Sami.

"All ten of those adjectives make you, you."

"For real?"

He grinned. "For real. I hope this clears things up." Noticing the moisture in her eyes, he said, "I wish I was there to hold you. I'll be back tomorrow and promise to make time for us."

"Thank you." Sami gulped. "I know we're not alone, but Noah, I love you."

Exhaling, he said, "And I love you. Goodnight, Sunshine."


After Sami left the room, Sarah said, "Boss, we already know this conversation won't be discussed again."

"It's on tape."

Bob chuckled. "It's not. For some unexplained reason the record function isn't working." He exhaled. "I'll check it tomorrow and see if I can get it working. 'Night, Boss."

"You guys are going to get me in so much trouble."

"We haven't yet," replied Jose, "'Night, everybody. Wait. If anybody's interested, I didn't barf on Boss, once."


Sami Martinez - Twenty-five-year-old high school teacher, who's working to find a kidnapped teenage girl.

Noah Taylor. - Homeland Security team leader, who works in the Human Trafficking department. Alias - Trey Morgan

Jose, Bob, & Sarah - Agents who work under Noah. Bob and Sarah are married.

Laura Martinez - Sami's mom.

Jasper - Sami's Great Dane, a large breed dog.

Myra Rodriguez - Kidnapped teenage girl whom Sami was close to.

Julia - Teenage girl, who was friends with Myra and Sami works with.

Big T - Neighborhood pimp; not a friendly person

Numerous Team Members - They will show up periodically but not really important to the story, except they're there.

Chen - Charles Henry Edward Nichols - Human trafficker and into some really bad stuff.

Chief Galvin Baldwin - Noah's supervisor.

Marc - Sami's old boyfriend.

Mateo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - a very close friend of Sami's; a rich playboy

Juan Pablo Enrique Aguilar de Pereira - Mateo's father

Thank you, Google Images for a photograph of a man splitting wood.

Chapter 24 is a shorter chapter. I'm posting it as one chapter. It's a little over 1700 words.

I'm a little over 3/4's finished with this novel. I'm almost finished writing the next novel I'm posting. As I'm sure you already know, I made changes as I posted. Thank you for your help. I appreciate all reviews.
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